The AHF focuses on Science, Art and Community: A collaborative approach to protecting fish stocks; restoring habitats and regenerating local economies.
We identify and deliver innovative solutions to strengthen national, regional and global policy for ecosystem resilience and adaptation to climate change.
We take a community driven approach to work for fish filled seas, abundant reefs and thriving communities.
We work to achieve our mission by:
Supporting the ongoing activities of the Alligator Head Marine Lab in the local area, as well as the research efforts undertaken by national and international organizations, sharing the results of AHF research activities. |
Establishing viable and thriving projects that protect the East Portland Fish Sanctuary from exploitation and abuse. |
Pursuing and support cultural production and musical activities by artists, and the commissioning of ambitious projects that raise ecological, economic and social issues to the general public, and local community. |
Creating a viable sustainable future for the region, and to give marine life in Portland a chance to recover. |
Supporting the local community of Portland in being able to adjust to the new laws of the Fish Sanctuary that will affect their lives, with education, training and equipping them with the tools for alternative livelihoods, particularly with a focus on training fishermen to become scuba diving professionals and the tenures of other sea going recreation activities such as, but not limited to, snorkeling, scuba diving, kayaking, paddle boarding.